The following is a list of accomplishments
of the AusTTrust :
2011 —The Australian Terrier Trust ("AusTTrust") began with a bequest from the Jerry and Nedra Adams Estate, of Jana Kennels. Currently the trust has raised over $62,000 and climbing, with your support.
2012 — Established a committee with seven members, completed all legals required for the 501(c)(3) Non-profit educational trust.
2013 — Sponsored the Educational Speaker, Thomas Graves DVM, PhD, DAVIM who spoke about diabetes which is a passion of his, at the National Specialty in Palm Springs.
2014 — Hosted the Premier Cocktail Event and Fund Raiser for the Trust, thanking all our donors large and small for their work and contributions to the AusTTrust.
2014 — Established “Friends of the Aussies”, a group of donors who contribute $100 or more to the AusTTrust annually. In return, our Friend’s of the Aussies receive a lapel pin and a shingle for each successive annual donation.
2015 — Sponsored Education Day speaker, Dr. Carmen Battaglia who spoke about breeding healthy dogs at the Chattanooga, TN National Specialty, Thank you to our donor for the directed donation to fund the speaker.
2015 — The AusTTrust directly supported an OFA Eye Clinic for all Australian terriers who attended the Chattanooga National Specialty.
2016 & 2017 – The Kick-Off of Hemangiosarcoma Research Funding Drive started at Great Western National Specialty in Long Beach, CA. in 2016. With sincere gratitude we want to thank all who participated in helping exceed our goal, donating a total to date of $11,000.
2016 — Supported the AKC Canine Health Foundation Tick Bourne Disease research study with funds from the Trust matched by the Australian Terrier Club of America and AKC for a total of $5,000. Qualifying us as a Sponsor in this initiative.
2017 – Sponsored an Ophthalmic Veterinarian and Portable Vet for full Health testing at St. Louis National Specialty. Eyes, Patella’s, and Thyroid. We appreciate receiving an anonymous donation to support the health of our breed.
2018 - Sponsored Education Day speaker at the Asheville, NC National Specialty with Dr. Jerold Bell from Canine Health Foundation. We thank the donor who directed funds towards this important educational event.
2018 – Video-taped Dr. Jerold Bell’s “Canine Genetics and the Australian terrier” talk. Edited Dr. Bell's speech and his power point into two, 1 hour videos which are available on YouTube and on the AusTTrust web page for viewing world-wide for FREE.
2019 – Sponsored Education Day speaker Dr. Carmen Battaglia author of Breeding Better Dogs, who spoke about breeding and tracking pedigrees at Longmont, CO Specialty. We are grateful for the donation from an anonymous sponsor who made this educational event possible.
2019 – Offered discounted OFA certified Eye Clinic to all Australian terriers that attended the specialty. Many thanks to the sponsor whose donation helped our breeders reduce their costs to get their Australian terriers eyes tested.
2019 – Donated an additional $2,500 from the trust towards the on-going study and research into Hemangiosacroma.
2020 – Announced the funding of a Necropsy for Australian terriers suspected of degenerative myelopathy (“DM”) in the United States. The purpose of a necropsy is to assist in the study of DM and further work towards understanding this debilitating neurological late onset genetic condition.
2020 – Donated $1,000 towards the Degenerative Myelopathy (“DM’) study at the University of Missouri.
None of these accomplishments would have been achieved without the generous donations of countless ATCA Members and Australian terrier fanciers who have found it in their hearts to support Health and Education through the AusTTrust.
We also want to thank the artists Ellen Chaput and Norma Rowely for donating their Australian terrier artwork, which was auctioned at National Specialties with all the proceeds going to the AusTTrust. If you are an artist with Australian terrier imagery or know of work that could be donated to the trust to help with funding raising we would appreciate it if you would contact the AusTTrust – information@austtrust.org
Everyone counts! Thank you to all the people who have contributed items for sale, items for auction, donations and time. Every item counts; Every hour spent makes a difference!. We all want to pass along our gratitude for continued the support in getting the AusTTrust to this point. THANK YOU !
All Future suggestions for sponsorship or funding opportunities are welcome from the membership at-large and are reviewed by the ATCA Board of Directors and the AusTTrust Committee
Please send your suggestions to us in this email !
The Australian Terrier Trust ("AusTTrust") is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible trust.
Assisting the Australian Terrier Club of America in supporting the breed through
health and eduction.
Thank you for your generous and on-going support.
All donations are Tax-Deductible