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These Operating Procedures are to be used as a guide for the Australian Terrier Trust (AusTTrust) which was established on April 15, 2011 by the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc. (ATCA).  It has a tax exempt status under section 501c3 and approved by the Internal Revenue Service on August 13, 2011.  Contributions are deductible under section 170 of the code. We are a public charity.

The principal office of the Trust shall be located in the State of New Mexico.  The Trust may also have other offices and keep the books and records of the Trust, except as may otherwise be required by law, in such other place or places, either within or without the State of New Mexico, as the Trustees may from time to time determine or the business of the Trust may require.

The purpose of the Trust shall be to promote the welfare of the Australian Terrier breed and shall be accomplished by, but not limited to, the following:
• Support canine medical research with an emphasis on health issues that affect Australian Terriers,

• Promote education on the proper care, treatment, breeding, health, development and training of Australian Terriers, and

• Foster and promote the public's knowledge and appreciation of dogs in general and Australian Terriers in particular.


The main responsibilities of the Trustees are to solicit funds and donations for health and educational purposes and to review requests for the allocation of funds which have been presented to the Trustees for their approval.  The allocation of funds may be requested from the Heath and Education Committees or any member of the ATCA.  The Board of Directors of ATCA will review all requests for allocations and forward their recommendations to the Trustees.
The Trustees have a fiduciary obligation to adhere to the terms of the Australian Terrier Trust as set forth by the Trustees.   
There shall be seven (7) Trustees on the AusTTrust.  All Trustees shall be members in good standing of the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc.

Section 1:  The seven (7) Trustees shall be established as follows:

Section 1a:  Two (2) of the Trustees shall be the ATCA Health Committee Chairman and Public Education Committee Chairman.  They shall be a Trustee and will serve during their term in office or committee chairman.

Section 1b:  Two (2) ATCA Board members will be appointed before January 15th each year by the ATCA Board as Trustees.  The two ATCA Board Member Trustees will serve during their current term in office.  If the Board Member is also either the Health Committee or the Public Education Committee Chairman, they cannot serve as an ATCA Board appointed Trustee.  An ATCA Board member Trustee appointment will terminate if he/she no longer holds office.  The ATCA Board will appoint a Trustee to fill the vacancy.

Section 1c:  Two (2) ATCA Members-at-Large will be elected from the ATCA membership as Trustees.  The two ATCA Members-at-Large will be elected concurrently and follow the same procedures as provided by the ATCA bylaws for the Board of Director’s election.  The ATCA Member-at-Large may not be the Health Committee Chairman, the Public Education Committee Chairman, or a Member of the ATCA Board.  An ATCA Member-at-Large may complete their elected term if subsequently elected to the ATCA Board.  The ATCA Board will appoint a Trustee to complete the term of the vacating Trustee if a vacancy occurs with the Member-at-Large position.

Section 1d:  One (1) Treasurer will be elected from the ATCA membership as Trustee.  The Treasurer will be elected concurrently and follow the same procedures as provided by the ATCA bylaws for the Board of Director’s election.   The Treasurer may also be the Treasurer of ATCA concurrently.

Section 2:  Compensation.  No compensation shall be paid to any Trustee.  However, the Trust may reimburse any Trustee for expenses authorized by the Trustees which were incurred on behalf of the Trust.

Section 3:  Resignation.  Any Trustee may, by written instrument, signed and acknowledged, resign his or her office.  Such notice shall specify the date on which the resignation shall become effective and the ATCA Board will appoint their replacement to complete the term if necessary.

Section 4:  The Trustees shall elect a Chairman and Secretary.    The Secretary will forward all Trustee Meeting minutes to each Trustee as well as to the ATCA Board.  The Trustees will provide a Quarter Report/Article to be published in the ATCA “The Talkabout”.


Section 1:  Annual Meeting.  The annual meeting shall be held in conjunction with the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc. National Specialty Show, if possible, at a place, date and hour designated by the Trustees.  This may be one of the Regular Meetings.

Section 2:  Regular Meetings.  Regular Meetings shall be held quarterly with a schedule established by the Trustees.

Section 3:  Special Meetings.  In addition to Regular Meetings, there may be Special Meetings by a request of the Chairman acting alone or upon a written request signed by at least three Trustees.   The request will state the purpose or purposes of the proposed Special Meeting.  Business transacted at any Special Meeting shall be limited to the purpose or purposes set forth in the notice of the meeting.  The Secretary shall notify each Trustee not less than ten days before the meeting.

Section 4:  Quorum and Manner of Act.  The presence of at least a simple majority of the authorized number of Trustees shall be necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Trust.  All meetings of the Trustees are defined as gatherings where attendees see and/or hear each other. This will include the Trustees meeting in person in the same room or conducting a meeting by video conference or teleconference.    Participation by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting of the Trust.


Section 1:  The Trustees will establish their own financial accounts for the AusTTrust with their Employee Identification Number.  The Treasurer shall, each calendar year, render an account of all monies received and expended during the previous year and file all necessary Internal Revenue Service tax returns in a timely manner.  This annual report shall be published in the club newsletter.

Section 2:  The Trustees will establish a Gifting and Investment Policy for the AusTTrust.

Section 3:  All received funds may be either deposited directly into the AusTTrust accounts or temporarily into the ATCA accounts.  Any funds deposited temporarily into the ATCA accounts that were designated for the AusTTrust will be transferred to the AusTTrust accounts on a quarterly basis in conjunction with the Quarterly Meetings.

Section 4:  All AusTTrust allocations will be paid quarterly to the ATCA which in turn will distribute the allocations to the recipients.


The Operating Procedures may be amended, supplemented or repealed in any respect at any time by the Trustees with the approval of the ATCA Board

These revised procedures are presented on July 18, 2014 to the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc. Board of Directors for approval.

Trustees:  Marilyn Harban, Teresa Schreeder, Sandra Weigle, Jeanne Popovits, Caren Holtby, Kerrie Bryan and Kreg Hill
DATED:  July 18, 2014


Downloadable PDF of the Operating Procedures

Assisting the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc. in supporting our breed through Health and Education


Kreg Hill
PO Box 5767
Palm Springs, CA 92263-5767

Do you have ideas for health or education for the AusTTrust to sponsor? Do you seek funding?

Steps for potential funding: Fill out this form with as much detail as possible.


Please make sure you have a  written description of what you are seeking funding for and a complete budget (including expenses and income/revenue).


The request will be forwarded to the President of the ATCA and the Chair of the AusTTrust.


​Funding notification will be sent via email to the person listed on the form.


Please submit the request allowing adequate time for a complete review of the request

More information about this breed can also be found at our parent club website:
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