Ways to Give
Show your love of the breed by giving a tax deductible donation to help Australian Terriers live a healthy life.
Make a general donation below or click Donate to direct your funds.
E-transfers can be directed from your bank account to this email: austtrust@gmail.com
Checks should be made out to Australian Terrier Trust and can be mailed here:
Kreg Hill
PO Box 5767
Palm Springs, CA 92263-5767
The AusTTrust is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization assisting ATCA in supporting our breed through Health & Education.
AusTTrust Matching Funding Opportunity for Endocrinology Research in Diabetic dogs - Please Donate to this study which seeks to determine if long- term glucose control is associated with early onset and faster progression of cataract formation in diabetic dogs. (See link to announcement for more information)
Friends of the Aussies
An annual tax-deductible giving through Paypal or sending your gift annually by mail or e-transfer of $100.00 or more, will include you in the ATCA Group "Friends of the Aussies" and earn you a special AusTTrust pin and shingle for each year you donate.
Employee Giving Grows Faster with Matching Donations
Making Your Gift Go Further! Did you know the value of your gift can be doubled? Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match charitable donations made by their employees. If your employer sponsors a matching program, please leverage your support: request a Matching Gift Form from your employer, and send the completed and signed form to this address with your donation. We will do the rest.
Kreg Hill, P.O. Box 5767, Palm Springs, CA 92263-5767
United Way Giving - Through your Workplace
Many work places offer the opportunity to give to your own charity through United Way, the AusTTrust is one of these charities. Ask at work if you can give monthly through their United Way giving and have your employer match your giving to the charity of your choice. - The Australian Terrier Trust, a 501(c)(3).
Planned Giving through your Will
For ATCA Members and Australian terrier Fanciers the AusTTrust offers a tax-deductible vehicle to support the breed through its 501 (c)(3) trust. Ask you financial advisors for the best way to meet your needs while giving the long term gift of support. It will be through your love and support of the breed that the trust can work to explore diseases that effect the breed and educate new breeders to sustain the Australian terrier as spunky, loving pet, stunning show dogs and energetic performance competitors.
Give the gift of stock
One of the most advantageous ways to contribute to the Foundation is through a gift of stock. Making a gift of securities is simple and offers a number of valuable benefits. You can give stocks to the AusTTrust, talk to your accountant about the positive impact this will have for you. If you wish to donate stock, please email our Treasurer at kreghill@gmail.com
Amazon Smile: log on to smile.amazon.com, select Australian Terrier Tr Your selection will be remembered & Amazon will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to the AusTTrust.
iGive.com: create an account at iGive.com, choose Australian Terrier Trust as your cause. Download the iGive Button. It automatically tells stores when you shop online that you want your shopping to support your cause. The iGive button can also be downloaded to your iPhone or Android Smartphone.
Goodsearch.com: open an account at goodsearch.com, select Australian Terrier Trust as your cause. When using Goodsearch.com as your search engine, $0.01 will be donated for each search. Those pennies can add up.
Goodshop.com: open account at Goodshop.com, select Australian Terrier Trust as your cause. Over 2800 participating stores will donate a percentage of what you spend to the AusTTrust.